
Focus Biomed Foundation


Scientific research in biomedicine

Scientific research, especially in biomedicine, is very expensive. Your donation goes to support cutting-edge research. We focus on supporting young, promising scientific talents, who want to entirely commit to research. In this way, we help promising research personalities to develop independent careers at an early stage, ultimately contributing to human health and quality of life.

We would be delighted if you like to join us in our commitment to science and make a financial contribution. Due to our non-profit status, your donation is tax-deductible. We are grateful for any contribution, but would of course like to reciprocate for substantial contributions by also bringing you into contact with our scientists on-site in the laboratory. In that way, you can get to know our enthusiasm for science and our important objectives in a personal conversation.

Please contact us directly or transfer an appropriate amount to our donation account at Pax Bank IBAN DE84 3706 0193 6003 8330 10 Berlin.


Our bank account

Stiftung Focus Biomed
IBAN: DE84 3706 0193 6003 8330 10
Bank: PAX Bank
Verwendungszweck: Donation Focus Biomed Foundation
